A number of factors have driven the concept of the initial scheme however the two dominating aspects of the configuration of the scheme have been maximising views and avoiding overlooking issues. This has driven the solution for two structures that are twisted in plan away from each other.
In order to address the wider master-plan for the area public realm improvements have been provided at the ground level of the scheme. A new public plaza welcomes residents into the buildings while new retail amenity is provided to create animation and active frontages at the ground level. The scheme also provides for the opportunity to create a new pedestrian link across the Southern part of the site allowing for the future ‘opening-up’ of the railway arches should this become achievable in the future through negotiation with Network Rail. To the East of the site, at ground level adjacent to the railway arches, the scheme utilises this least valuable area as the location for car parking. To maximise the car parking numbers, subject to Lambeth’s consent, the scheme provides an automated car parking system which stacks the cars vertically along the length of the site providing 74 spaces in total.
The scheme includes:
432 Apartments in total,
326 Private residential units ( 75%),
106 Affordable Units (25%) of which 70 Affordable Rented and 36 Intermediate
3.800 sqm of Commercial Office space
320 sqm of Retail Space
5.100 sqm of Amenity Space